Madrepora is a project by Manuela Bucci that uses waste from the production of insulating tubes in synthetic felt, potentially made from recycled fibers, for the creation of seats.
The tubular felt elements are cut in production to the required length; the waste parts resulting from this operation are recovered by the designer and used to manufacture Madrepora products. The circular felt elements can be dyed into many colors and heated to obtain different stiffnesses.
The assembly of the synthetic felt cylinders does not require glue but only the application of heat. The seat is thus recyclable again.
MADREPORA is a concept developed entirely by Manuela Bucci.
For interest in developing the project with other forms and make it marketable contact me via email:

MADREPORA è un concept sviluppato interamente da Manuela Bucci.
Per interesse a sviluppare il progetto con altre forme e renderlo commerciabile contattatemi via mail: studio@manuelabucci.com
MADREPORA is a concept developed entirely by Manuela Bucci.
For interest in developing the project with other forms and make it marketable contact me via email: studio@manuelabucci.com